Secretary General Speaks

Dr. Bhumesh Kumar Katakam

Honorary Secretary General, IADVL


Dear IADVLites and esteemed colleagues,

With immense gratitude and a deep sense of responsibility, I step into my second year as Honorary Secretary General of the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists (IADVL)—a prestigious organization and the second-largest congregation of qualified dermatologists globally. This journey has been both inspiring and rewarding, further strengthening my commitment to serving our esteemed association and the broader community.

  • Elevate dermatological practice

  • Advocate for excellence in patient care, research, and education

  • Expand IADVL’s influence both nationally and globally

Commitment to Our Legacy & Future

IADVL has a rich history of advancing dermatological care, education, research, and community service. As I continue in this role, my vision remains steadfast: to uphold and strengthen this legacy through collaboration, inclusivity, and transparency. Together, we will:

Key Achievements in 2024

During my first year as Honorary Secretary General, alongside EC 2024 under the visionary leadership of Dr. Manjunath Shenoy, we accomplished several remarkable milestones:

  • Guinness World Record – Pledge for Skin Health for the World

  • Global Engagement – Reciprocal leadership meetings with AAD & EADV

  • Presidential Projects:

    • Holistic Health for All

    • Chalo Pathshala (Dermatology education initiative)

    • Mission Prison (Community dermatology service)

    • IADVL Brand Building Initiatives

IADVL Membership Update (As of now)

Total Members: 18,021

  • Life Members (LM): 12,932

  • Associate Members (AM): 305

  • Provisional Life Members (PLM): 4,775

  •  International Life Members (ILM): 9

Moving Forward Together

Total Members: 18,021

As we embark on another year, I am confident that with your continued support and active participation, we will take IADVL to even greater heights—building a stronger, more connected, and forward-thinking dermatological community.

Jai Hind!

Long Live IADVL!