Secretary General Speaks

Dr. Bhumesh Kumar Katakam



Dear IADVLites and esteemed colleagues,

I am deeply honored to assume the role of the Honorary Secretary General of the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists (IADVL) - a prestigious organization that stands as the second-largest congregation of qualified dermatologists across the globe. This moment is not just a milestone in my professional journey but a testament to the trust and confidence you all have bestowed upon me.

My heart swells with gratitude for this opportunity to serve our esteemed organization and the broader community. It is a privilege to contribute to an association with a rich legacy of advancing dermatological care, education, and research.

As I step into this significant role, I am fully committed to advancing the mission of IADVL with unwavering dedication. My approach will be one of inclusivity, collaboration, and transparency, aiming to harness our collective expertise for the betterment of dermatological practice and patient care.

My promise to you is simple - to serve our organization and its members with integrity, to advocate for the highest standards of dermatological practice, and to work tirelessly to bring further accolades and recognition to IADVL. Together, let's embark on this journey to elevate our association to new heights, ensuring that we continue to make a profound impact on skin health, both nationally and globally.

Thank you once again for placing your faith in me. Your support will be the cornerstone of my tenure, and I look forward to working alongside each one of you to foster a brighter future for IADVL and the communities we serve.

Jai Hind!
Long Live IADVL!

Warmest regards,
Dr Bhumesh Kumar Katakam MD-DVL;DCH
52nd Honorary Secretary General, IADVL