Classes of Membership

(a) Life Member (LM)

The eligibility criteria for becoming a life member of the Association shall be a postgraduate qualification in the specialty (i.e. a diploma or a degree in Dermatology or Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy) from a medical college affiliated to and awarded by an Indian University or an institution recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI) or an equivalent organization of the Government of India; or a Diploma in Dermatology or Dermatology and Venereology of the National Board of Medical Examinations, New Delhi. Others with foreign degrees or diplomas or equivalent qualifications should have their qualifications recognized by the MCI or an equivalent organization of the Government of India to become eligible.

Additionally, it is mandatory to provide reference letter from the Life Member of IADVL.

Download Referral Letter Format :

Documents required:
  • IADVL membership form filled online
  • Copy of MD/DIPLOMA/DNB Certificate in Dermatology
  • Copy of registration certificate (MCI/STATE Medical Council) with additional qualification.
  • Copy of reference letter in the provided format to be uploaded.
  • Rs.14631/- via online payment gateway. It includes:
Central Fund ContributionBranch ContributionJournal ContributionApplication Processing feeGST 18%Total
Rs 6912/-Rs 2592/-Rs 2592/-Rs 303/-Rs 2232/-Rs 14631/-

(b) Associate Member (AM)

Associate Membership can be awarded to doctors & other specialists working in the field of dermatology, venereology and leprology (e.g. dermatopathologists, academicians, researchers and scientists). They will not have any voting rights and cannot hold any IADVL post.

Additionally, it is mandatory to provide reference letter from the Life Member of IADVL.

Download Referral Letter Format :

Documents required:
  • IADVL membership form filled online
  • Copy of degree Certificate (MD, PhD)/Proof of qualification
  • Copy of MBBS registration certificate (MCI/STATE Medical Council)
  • Copy of reference letter in the provided format to be uploaded.
  • Rs.14631/- via online payment gateway. It includes:
Central Fund ContributionBranch ContributionJournal ContributionApplication Processing feeGST 18%Total
Rs 6912/-Rs 2592/-Rs 2592/-Rs 303/-Rs 2232/-Rs 14631/-

(c) Provisional Life Member (PLM)

Only post graduate students undergoing training in MCI recognized medical colleges/ postgraduate courses of this specialty or those pursuing DNB in Dermato- Venereology/DVL are eligible for this category. They will present a letter from the head of the specialty department where they are studying, stating the date of their joining the postgraduate course and the date of its due completion, along with the application for membership.

Download HOD Letter Format :


They have to send their qualification certificate within 5 years of their registration for the postgraduate course to the Honorary Secretary General (National) in order to become permanent life members. In case they fail to do so, in the defined period, they will have to register once again as a Life member after following the due procedure through the state branch.

Additionally, it is mandatory to provide reference letter from the Life Member of IADVL.

Download Referral Letter Format :

Documents required:
  • IADVL membership form filled online
  • A letter from the head of the specialty department where they are studying, stating the date of their joining the postgraduate course and the date of its due completion in the provided format.
  • Copy of MBBS degree certificate
  • Copy of MBBS registration certificate (MCI/State Medical Council).
  • Copy of reference letter in the provided format to be uploaded.
  • Rs.14631/- via online payment gateway. It includes:
Central Fund ContributionBranch ContributionJournal ContributionApplication Processing feeGST 18%Total
Rs 6912/-Rs 2592/-Rs 2592/-Rs 303/-Rs 2232/-Rs 14631/-

(d) International Life Member (ILM)

The eligibility criteria for becoming an international life member of the Association shall be:

  • A postgraduate qualification in the field of dermatology, venereology leprology, AIDS dermatosurgery or cosmetic dermatology.
  • License to practice in dermatology and allied specialities in their own country

Additionally, it is mandatory to provide reference letter from the Life Member of IADVL.

Download Referral Letter Format :

Documents required:
  • IADVL membership form filled online
  • Copy of degree Certificate (MD, PhD)/Proof of qualification
  • Copy of license to practice dermatology or allied specialities in their own country
  • Copy of reference letter in the provided format to be uploaded.
  • $ 733/- via online payment gateway. It includes:
Membership feeApplication Processing feeGST 18%Total
$ 600/- $ 21/-$ 112/-$ 733/-

(e) Provisional Life Member (PLM) to Life Member (LM)

PLM have to send their qualification certificate within 5 years of their registration for the postgraduate course to the Honorary Secretary General (National) in order to become permanent life members. In case they fail to do so, in the defined period, they will have to register once again as a Life member after following the due procedure through the state branch.

Documents required:
  • Copy of MD/DIPLOMA/DNB Certificate/ Proof of qualification
  • Copy of registration certificate (MCI/STATE Medical Council) with additional qualification
  • NOC from State of registration of PLM in case of transfer of membership to another state
  • No additional fee is required to be paid.

(f) Associate Member (AM) to Life Member (LM)

Documents required:
  • Copy of degree Certificate (MD, PhD)/Proof of qualification
  • Copy of MBBS registration certificate (MCI/STATE Medical Council)
  • NOC from State of registration of AM in case of transfer of membership to another state
  • No additional fee is required to be paid.