The Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL), the largest official society representing Indian Dermatologists was established in its present form on 28th January, 1973. IADVL also happens to be the world’s 2nd largest Association of Dermatologists standing behind the American Academy of Dermatology. It is the national association of Indian medical specialists who manage patients with skin disorders, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or leprosy. The current member strength of the association is 17,000 plus. The association works for the betterment of the specialty by holding academic meetings, printing a journal (print version & online) and publishing a textbook. The IADVL has several state branches, each with their own office bearers, which function independently within the constitution of the IADVL.
The journey that culminated in the formation of IADVL as we know it today took its first flight in 1947 when Dr. UB Narayan Rao, conceived the idea to create an association of Dermatologists and Venereologists; he was supported by, amongst others, Dr. P Natesan, Professor of Venereology, Stanley Medical College, Madras. Subsequently on July 1, 1947, Dr. UB Narayan Rao realized his dream as the Bombay Association was inaugurated, by Shri Morarji M. Desai, which was followed by the formation of an All-India Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists on December 28, 1947 with 34 founding members. A framework regarding rules was approved on July 26, 1948 and the association started its work on establishing local branches in other states. The Madras and Bengal branch were one of the earliest formed branches under the able leadership of Dr. R V Rajam and Dr. L M Ghosh respectively. The association suffered a setback in 1956-1960 when a riftarose on the issues of the workings of the association. The members of the Calcutta branch parted company from the association and formed the Dermatological Society of India (DSI). After several conciliatory efforts by concerned members the two bodies finally met at Udaipur on January 28, 1973 and unanimously agreed on the reunification. They amalgamated in to one association, which has since been named the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL). The Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL) as we know it today was thus registered at Varanasi on 8th May, 1975 under the Societies Registration Act.
The vision of IADVL is to provide quality skin health for the community, continuing medical education to and advocacy on behalf of the members, speciality and patients.
IADVL, one among the largest professional Association of qualified Dermatologists, Venerologists and Leprologists in the world, boasts of having its own logo, official colour for the association, along with Mission and Vision statement. IADVL also has a uniform conference nomenclature.
The importance of a logo was felt by the thought leaders of IADVL after the inception of the organization in 1973. The making of the IADVL logo was a team effort. Designs were invited from State Branches. Component of designs made by Dr. S B Mondal and Late Dr. Basudev Chawdhury were incorporated in the final design of the IADVL logo.
The official logo is vertically oval in shape and symbolizes the composite nature of the discipline. The left inner circle contains a histological picture of epidermis and dermis signifying Dermatology. Cupid is believed to be the God of love (Kamadeva). The Cupid's bow at the bottom indicates Venereology. Rays of hope radiating from flower petals on the right imply the joy and ecstasy after coming out from the agony and humiliation of Leprosy. The Hippocratic symbol superimposed on a map of India indicates that the association of medical professionals will spread to every nook and corner of this country.
Photograph of the first IADVL logo taken from the banner at the first conference of IADVL held in Udaipur (1973). The Banner is still preserved at Department of Dermatology, Medical College, Udaipur.
The final logo adopted in 1974 evolved through the fine tuning of the original logo made in 1973.
In the year 2018 at the Combined Central Council Meeting and Closing Annual General Body Meeting of IADVL at DERMACON 2018, Cochin a proposal was moved by Dr Dinesh Kumar Devaraj to change the IADVL logo as the logo featured the Rod of Caduceus (Symbol of Commerce) which is used erroneously as the Symbol of Medicine. The correct symbol of Medicine and Healthcare being Rod of Asclepius. The IADVL logo was changed following the decision of the CCM & Closing AGBM held at DERMACON 2018, Cochin.
The IADVL EC of 2018 under the Presidentship of Dr. Ramesh Bhat invited applications from IADVL members to design the logo. A large number of applications were received and discussed within the EC. The EC felt the need to have a logo with modern design keeping in tune with the current times. Dr. Prashant Palwade, Joint Secretary 2018 designed the new IADVL Logo with inputs from Dr. Dinesh Kumar Devaraj, Joint Secretary 2018 and other 2018 EC members.
The globe, which is split in two halves, represents the symbol Earth and IADVL, written in its centre, represents the association's ever-growing international presence in the field of dermatology, venereology and leprology. The outer ring is a representation of the skin as a protective organ of the human body, while the expanded form of IADVL parallel to this outer circle represents the association's responsibility for caring for the skin.
The new logo was unanimously approved by the general body during Combined Central Council Meeting and closing annual general body at meeting of IADVL at Dermacon International 2019, Bengaluru.
It is adopted in IADVL constitution that: “IADVL logo has to be prominently displayed in all official correspondence, leaflets, brochures, abstract books, souvenirs, on the stage and on the dais. It should also be displayed on any banner used for the purpose of the conference/CME and all IADVL activities.
The new IADVL logo adopted in 2019 at DERMACON INTERNATIONAL 2019, Bengaluru.
Dr. Ramesh Bhat, President IADVL 2018, felt a need for IADVL to have its own representative colour which could be used officially and proposed the same to IADVL.
The peacock blue colour as the official IADVL colour was suggested by Dr. Narendra Kamath. The Peacock Blue colour being a mixture of green and blue, has the expansive nature of green representing life and renewal and the soothing, calm effect of blue representing serenity. The colour has the power to give us confidence and strength. It is adopted in the Constitution that the official colour of IADVL, the peacock blue shall be used in it the IADVL logo, Constitution book, IADVL News, JDVL, IDOJ and website principally and prominently.
The Official IADVL Colour-
Peacock Blue (Colour Code: KMA29)
The IADVL logo and IADVL colour convey deep meaning about IADVL values and communicates its vision, quality, and values.
In 2022, under President IADVL, Dr. Rashmi Sarkar, symbol 50 in gold was added to our logo for Golden Jubilee celebrations and was designed by Dr. Shashi Kumar BM, Convener of Golden Jubilee Core CME Committee.
The IJDVL was first published in 1935 as the Indian Journal of Venereal Diseases by Dr. U.B. Narayan Rao entirely as a personal effort. In 1941 its name was changed to Indian Journal of Venereal Diseases and Dermatology to reflect the increasing importance of dermatology as a speciality. In 1955, the journal was handed over to the Indian Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists and it was renamed as the Indian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology. In 1973, the association was renamed as the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL) and the journal name was also changed to Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology (IJDVL). This is a bimonthly journal indexed in DOAJ, EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded and has passed through the able hands of several editors. Their untiring efforts has lead the journal to pinnacles of academic glory reaching all of over 10200 members of this organization as well as almost 200 medical colleges in India with an impact factor of 2.229(2017).
Indian Dermatology Online Journal (IDOJ) was started in year 2010 as maiden open access online journal by IADVL and from January 2018, it is available as print journal. IDOJ is a bimonthly journal (6 issues in a year) indexed in PubMed Central (PMC). It was introduced with main objective to showcase dermatology in India. This journal welcomes articles from across the globe but specially encourages articles on pure clinical dermatology in India. Keeping in mind the spirit of the journal and its raison d’etre of encouraging sharing of science of dermatology in India, this fledgling journal is steadily growing in its stature, contents and readership. The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners: Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris – Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, National Science Library, ProQuest, TdNet, Wanfang Data. The journal is indexed with DOAJ, PubMed Central. The manuscript submission is free of cost and complimentary print copies are sent to all the corresponding authors and about 500 medical colleges across India. The journal promotes research in clinical practice through education and dissemination of knowledge in the field of dermatology and its sub-specialties. The Journal encourages bringing together academicians and clinicians to be a part of this initiative by contributing, reviewing and thus promoting scientific works and science.
The Indian Journal of Postgraduate Dermatology (IJPGD) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Dermatology. The journal is owned by the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists (IADVL) and published by the Scientific Scholar.
In 1990, under the chairmanship of Dr. K Siddappa, the then President of IADVL the first ever Committee was formed to recognize and commemorate unique and commendable work by dermatologists. Dr R G Valia, Dr F Handa, Dr A Krishna and Dr L K Bhutani were the members of the committee. The following awards and orations are offered by the IADVL
Dr. B.M. Ambady Oration, IADVL-Systopic Oration, IADVL Oration
These are awarded to any person who has done significant and commendable work in the field of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology that must have been published in any indexed journal of our specialty.
Prof. Dr. K.C. Kandhari Foundation Award
It is given every year at the National Conference of IADVL to a personality for his/her lifetime meritorious service or contribution to Dermatology, Venereology or Leprology that has brought prestige to the specialty by teaching, research or patient care.
IADVL Life-time Achievement Award
It is given every year at the National Conference of IADVL to a personality for his/her lifetime meritorious service or contribution to Dermatology, Venereology or Leprology that has brought prestige to the specialty by teaching, research or patient care.
Prof. Dr. J.C. Shroff Memorial Award
This award is awarded to any Dermatologist, Venereologist or Leprologist who is above the age of 58 years and who will share his or her lifetime experience, which will be of benefit to our members.
Dr. Leslie Marquis Memento Award
This award is given to a guest speaker for the best scientific talk at the National Conference of the IADVL every year.
Dr. L. N. Sinha Award
The Award is given for academic excellence in Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology for a Dermatologist below 45 years of age. The selection of awardees is done on a zonal rotation basis from among the various applicants every year.
Prof. B. N. Banerjee Gold Medal
It is given to a member of the Association aged below 35 years for the best original research paper, either presented in the award session during the National Conference or published in the IJDVL during that year.
Dr. B. B. Gokhale Medal
It is given to a person below 35 years of age, who is a member of the IADVL, for the best paper presented in the award paper session during the National Conference.
Prof. F. Handa Prize
It is given to a person who is a member of the IADVL aged below 35 years for the best paper presented during the award paper session during the National Conference.
Dr. Bishnupriya Debi Award
The award is given to the first author of the best paper published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology every year.
Indubala Devi Award
It is given for the best paper published on the subject of Industrial contact dermatitis (or, on contact dermatitis) in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology every year.
M. G. M. Medical College Prize
This prize is given to a member of IADVL below the age of 35 years for the best paper presented in the award paper session during the National Conference.
Prof. H.C. Mohanti Award
This award is given every year at the National Conference of IADVL to a person for the best paper on Leprosy presented during the conference
Prof. K. Siddappa Medal
This medal is given to a postgraduate who is a member of the IADVL, for the best paper, giving preference to original research paper, presented in the award paper session during the IADVL National Conference.
Prof. D. K. Gupta Medal
It is awarded to a female postgraduate who is a member of the IADVL, for the best paper, giving preference to original research, presented in the award paper session during the National Conference
Dr. Manu Patel Memorial Award
It is given to an IADVL member for the best poster presentation amongst the posters displayed at the National Conference
Best Branch Award
This award is given by the IADVL from 1989 onwards to one branch that is adjudged the best branch for that year.
Dr C. S. Bhavani Kumar Memorial Award
This award is given for the best paper presented on Dermatological surgery during the IADVL National Conference by a dermatologist younger than 45 years
Prof. Ratan Singh Award
This award is given to a Dermatologist for giving meritorious services to the speciality in Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology by teaching/research/patient care/dedicated service to the National Body of IADVL.
Dr. V.N. Sehgal Award
This award is open to all IADVL members and is given for accomplishing excellence in Dermatology
Dr. P. B.Haribhakti Travelling Fellowship
This Travelling Fellowship is started by IADVL in 2008 and is given for accomplishing excellence in Dermatology.
Dr. B. V. Satyanarayana Memorial Award for IADVL Thesis Evaluation
This is awarded for the best dissertation submitted for evaluation every year.
Prof. Ganpati Panja Memorial Award
This award is dedicated to excellence in Dermatology.
Prof. L. K. Bhutani Memorial Teaching and Research Award
This award is dedicated to excellence in Dermatology.
Prof. G. Senthamil Selvi Award
This is awarded to the best paper published in mycology.
Dr. P. B.Haribhakti Travelling Fellowship
This award is proposed to be given for the ‘Best Research Project’ to a person of any age (must be a Life Member of IADVL) or be shared by two persons of any age (must be Life Members of IADVL), if both of them have done the same research project in collaboration and equally deserve the award
July 1952 was yet another landmark when, for the first time, the association sent delegates, to the 10th International Congress of Dermatology in London. It was represented by Dr. R.V. Rajam, Dr. P.N.Rangiah, and Dr. G. Panja. Dr. U.B. Narayan Rao was the Indian secretary to the congress. Today, IADVL find its presence in several globally recognised societies. The member countries of South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) have formed an Association for the Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists and are known as South Asian Regional Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (SARAD). IADVL has become an active member of SARAD. Dr K K Raja babu and Dr S Sacchidanand, both Past Presidents of IADVL have served as the Presidents of SARAD. Dr Jaydev Betkerur, Past Treasurer of IADVL has served as General Secretary of SARAD. Now, the scope of our activities will expand vigorously across the boundaries of India. IADVL is now a very important member of International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) with one of the biggest representations among all the dermatological associations / societies from across the globe. Chetan Oberoi & Dr Hemangi Jerajani both Past Presidents of IADVL,have been elected to the Board of Regional Directors of ILDS representing South Asia, Middle East and Africa (SAMEA) region. Dr Jayakar Thomas Past President of IADVL has served as the President of the International Society of Teledermatology. Dr Venkataram Mysore, a Past President of IADVL is the President-Elect for The Dermatologic & Aesthetic Surgery International League (DASIL). Dr Rashmi Sarkar, Past General Secretary of IADVL is the President-Elect of Asian Society of Pigment Cell Research.
State branches may be formed by a minimum of 15 eligible ordinary members residing or practicing in any state of the country resolving to form themselves into a branch of the Association. At present there are 24 branches of the Association viz. –
IADVL website ( was initially created before the 30th National Conference of IADVL held at Kochi, Kerala (2002) and was retained at the end of the conference. By the end of 2005, the website was more informative and interactive. The official new website was launched in August 2006. This is a dynamic and interactive site loaded with all the information about IADVL and its branches and all the forthcoming conferences, workshops both within and outside the country with information about all awards, prizes, scholarships etc. The association and its members also are engaged in several robust academic discussions online where practitioners come together to opine on difficult cases from a diagnostic as well as management perspective. ACAD group on Yahoo Groups is one such fine example. The online group is active platform for the members to share their knowledge, interesting case scenarios etc. The Joint Secretary of IADVL acts as moderator for IADVL Acad Groups. Currently, Dr Nirupama is the moderator of IADVL Yahoo groups.
Online links of IADVL
The organisation is ever committed to serving the public in the domains of dermatology. In lieu of this, IADVL observes several days of clinical significance including Leprosy day, Vitiligo day, World Skin Health Day to name a few.
IADVL has a wing dedicated to Community outreach programs which not only help in taking quality skin care to the rural remote areas but also promote awareness on skin hygiene, equipping the local medical personnel to manage the common skin conditions and to refer the complicated cases to higher referral centers.
IADVL is an official partner of National Leprosy Eradication Programme of the Government of India & collaborates with it to help the reduce transmission of Leprosy and work towards its eradication.
IADVL also has taken the onus to create several special task forces to tackle various menaces afflicting the Indian public such as, ITATSA (IADVL Taskforce Against Topical Steroid Abuse), ITART (IADVL Taskforce Against Recalcitrant Tinea)& ITAQ (IADVL Taskforce Against Quackery)
ITATSA (IADVL Taskforce Against Topical Steroid Abuse)
In India there is a rampant misuse and abuse of topical steroid creams by not only the rural populace but also the educated people in urban areas. This menace is due to the lax enforcement of regulations by the concerned authorities, flourishing quackery and ignorance on part of the general public. The misuse / abuse of topical steroid creams not only happens in the treatment of skin infections by bacteria & fungus and also unfortunately happens to lighten one’s skin colour in an unscientific, hazardous manner. The irrational misuse/abuse of steroid creams in fungal infections has led to the dubious distinction of India harboring the superbug of fungus, resistant to most of the modalities of existing antifungal treatment.
Public education posters and pamphlets have been developed by IADVL in 12 languages and distributed to the target population, all over India through the dermatology clinics. IADVL conducts regular scientific sessions to update not only the dermatologists but also other specialists about the correct management strategies of this infection. Educative programs have been conducted for the family physicians across the country to sensitize them towards the right method of treating this infection and about strict avoidance of misuse of steroid containing creams.
Several lectures have been delivered by IADVL members all over the globe. There is widespread advocacy by the IADVL regarding the misuse/abuse of such creams.
The International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) has issued a support and solidarity letter to IADVL highlighting the abuse of irrational steroid containing creams which shows the seriousness of the situation.
ITAQ (IADVL Taskforce Against Quackery)
The advances in dermatology have revolutionized not only the treatment of skin diseases, but also brought forth better options for many cosmetic & beauty related problems. This has led to increased importance and demand for dermatology specialties. However, many underqualified but also unqualified persons (Quacks) pose themselves as dermatologists, cosmetic/aesthetic dermatologists and exploit the public for commercial objectives.
Any doctor who practices and prescribes medicines about which he is not qualified in and not registered under the council constituted by law is a mere pretender to the knowledge in that system and is a quack. A Supreme Court ruling in 1996 defines anyone practising modern medicine without training in the discipline, even if they are trained in alternative systems of medicine as quacks. The Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 regulates practice of allopathic medicine. Section 15 (2)(b) requires that only those who are registered on state medical register alone can practice Allopathic medicine and secondly the prohibition is directed against every person who is not registered on any state medical register and all such person are precluded from practising allopathic medicine.
The common patient is not only misled by the Quacks but also, they end up with medical complications. Of late there is mushrooming of these quacks throughout India not only in cities but also in districts and taluk areas where the ignorance is more and awareness of authentic qualifications is less. IADVL as a part of social responsibility, has taken up the issue of quackery, which is causing undesired adverse effects and medical complications. IADVL has constituted a specific committee, IADVL Taskforce Against Quackery (ITAQ) to deal with Quackery and to take necessary steps with various statutory authorities against quacks who are claiming themselves as Skin Specialists/Cosmetologists/Aestheticians.
Keywords: Dermatology, IADVL, Skin, hygiene, Leprosy, Steroid abuse, schedule-H, Quackery
Member welfare activities
These activities were started in the year 2019 as a part of Presidential programme.
IADVL Group personal Accident (GPA) insurance Scheme
Policy has started from 1st April 2019 as a presidential initiative for all life members of IADVL. Policy provider is National Insurance Company Limited. IADVL paid the premium for it as a member welfare measure. IADVL life members are insured under this scheme.
Read MoreProfessional indemnity insurance for members
It is a desire of many dermatologists to have a ‘Professional indemnity Insurance policy” covering both clinical practice and dermato-surgical procedures at a reasonable cost for many years. The EC of IADVL 2019 worked on this issue and had discussion with many insurance providers to arrive at a tailor made Policy for IADVL members, finally chose National Insurance Company Limited who offered the best policy. The annual premium is as low as Rs 885 for a coverage of 25 lakhs with an option for cover up to 1 crore. This policy is offered to all IADVL members, who need to enroll directly with the insurance company to get certified policy under this scheme.
For further reading:
Letter to the Drugs Controller General of India, May 2016
Letter to the Drugs Controller General of India, April 2016
Letter to the DTAB Member, March 2016
Letter to the Drugs Controller General of India, August 2016