PROF. Dr. K. C. KANDHARI FOUNDATION AWARD The total amount kept in fixed deposit is Rs.50, 000/- The award is given every year at the National Conference of the IADVL to the personality for his I her lifetime meritorious service / contribution to Dermatology, Venereology or Leprology, to bring prestige to the specialty by teaching, research or patient-care etc.
Professor Dr. Ratan Singh Award Professor Dr. Ratan Singh has donated Rs.1, 00,000/- to start this new award from the annual interest earned out of this amount which is to be be given every year, on the inauguration day of the National Conference of IADVL, to a senior member of the Association for his/her contribution to the specialty as a teacher/researcher/dedicated service to the National Body.
Dr. B.V. Satyanarayan Memorial Award The family of Late Prof Dr. B.V. Satyanarayana has donated Rs.1,00,000/- to start this new award from the annual interest earned out of this amount for the best thesis in the IADVL Thesis competition every year.
Dr. P. B. Haribhakti Travel Fellowship Dr. P.B. Haribhakti has donated Rs.1, 00,000/- to initiate this travel fellowship from the annual interest earned out of this amount for the person getting IADVL training fellowship in contact Dermatitis each year.
Dr. J. C. SHROFF MEMORIAL AWARD The total amount kept in F.D. is Rs. 15,000/- Any Dermatologist, Venereologist or Leprologist above the age of 58 years, whose experience in the field or specialization has been beneficial to the members of the specialty, be considered and awarded this Oration.
PROF. Dr. H. C. MOHANTI AWARD The total amount kept in a fixed deposit is Rs.25, 000/-. The award is given to a person for the best paper in Leprosy presented at the national conference.
M. G. M. MEDICAL COLLEGE PRIZE Total amount kept in F.D. is Rs.10, 000/- The prize is given to a person below 35 years of age, who is a member of IADVL for his/her Best paper presented at the National Conference of IADVL during the award paper session.
Dr. F. HANDA PRIZE The total amount kept in Fixed Deposit with Honorary General Secretary, IADVL, is Rs.50, 000/- The prize is given to a person below the age of 35 years, who is a member of lADVL for his/her best paper presented at the National Conference during the award paper session.
PROF. B. N. BANERJEE MEDAL The total amount donated is Rs. 10,000/- This medal is awarded to a person below the age of 35 years, who is a member of IADVL, for his/her original research paper, either presented in the award paper session at the time of National Conference or published in IJDVL during that year.
Dr. B. B. GOKHALE MEDAL The total amount donated is Rs. 10,000/- This medal is awarded to a person below the age of 35 years, who is a member of IADVL for his her paper presented during the National Conference during the award paper session.
PROF. K. SIDDAPPA MEDAL The total amount kept in fixed deposit is Rs.10, 000/- The medal is awarded to a postgraduate, who is a member of IADVL for his/her best paper, giving preference to original research paper, presented in the award session at the time of National Conference.
PROF. D. K. GUPTA MEDAL The total amount kept in fixed deposit is Rs. 10,000/- The medal is awarded to a Female Postgraduate, who is a member of IADVL for her best paper, giving preference to original research paper, presented in the award session at the time of National Conference.
Dr. MANU PATEL MEMORIAL PRIZE Total amount kept in fixed deposit is Rs.10, 000/- The prize is given to the Best Poster Presentation amongst the Posters displayed during the National Conference of Indian Association & Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists.
Dr. L. MARQUIS MEMENTO AWARD The total amount kept in fixed deposit is Rs.15, 000/- This award is given to a guest speaker at the National Conference of IADVL for best scientific speech.
Dr. BISHNUPRIYA DEBI AWARD The total amount kept in fixed deposit is Rs. 10,000/- The first author of the best paper published in IJDVL every year is entitled to get this award.
Mrs. INDUBALA MEMORIAL AWARD The total amount kept in fixed deposit is Rs.15, 000/- For the best paper published in IJDVL during the year from January to December on the subject of Industrial or occupational Contact Dermatitis. If there are no such paper on industrial or occupational contact dermatitis then any good paper published on contact dermatitis can be selected.
Dr. L. N. SINHA MEMORIAL AWARD It is to be awarded to a young Dermatologist below the age of 45 years. This is a lifetime achievement award and is to be given to a personality for his overall contribution and not only scientific achievements. The committee to select the recipient will comprise of the president and the secretary of the association along with the president elect for the next year. The award should be given in rotation on Zonal basis.
Dr. C. S. BHAVANI KUMAR MEMORIAL AWARD It should be awarded to a Young Dermatologist below 45 yrs of age. It should be awarded to an exemplary paper presented on Dermatosurgery.
IADVL – GSK National Quiz Program The IADVL – GSK National Quiz Program would be held during CUTICONs and DERMACON every year. The chairman of quiz commitee and its members should be nominated by the President, President – Elect and the Honorary General Secretary. This committee in turn would over see the conduct of IADVL quiz at state level during CUTICONs and of nationla level at DERMACON every year. Four teams would be selected by a screening test from all CUTICON Quiz winners, on CME day of DERMACON. Final National IADVL-GSK quiz to select the winner of Natinal quiz for that year from these four teams would be conducted on 2nd day of DERMACON. M/s. GSK will be facilitating the conduct of the Quiz programs at all levels, by sponsoring the logistics for the conduct of the same.